Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Penguins and Miners.

 Lol heres my attempt at the penguin teapot tutorial....lets just say I adapted mine a bit ...and also tried to make some matching cups. I will have another attempt at this sometime.
 Here is the progress on Dads Mine ,this section is pre war .Dad intends on having 2 sections to the mine; the old way and the modern way of mining.
A little closer :) I think he's doing a great job :)


  1. Your tepot set is wonderful, so expressive. Nice work.

  2. Oooh I LOVE your teapot and mugs!!! They're gorgeous!! *jealous* LOL ;-)

    Your dad is doing a great job too - LOVE that he has got into the mini thing.. next step is to encourage him to start a blog I guess.. I'll be his 2nd follower (I know you'd be first!)!

    Our little family hobby is growing.. I'm hoping to encourage the little bro too ;-)


    1. Thanks sisp ,yes we must get more of them to join us ;)

  3. I love your teapot and cups. So cute!
    It's wonderful to have a member of the family sharing the same hobby. Your dad is doing a great job.
    hugs, Drora
